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I am interested in capturing some of the feeling of what it is like to be part of the world at this time. Each generation wishes to leave behind some artifacts as a record of the fact of their existence. There appears to be a subconscious urge to record the essence of experience in an idiosyncratic manner. People look to artists, writers and crafts persons of a generation to sum up and record the achievements of their era. In this way, I see my images, and forms, as being a reflection of my time, like the school photo, the family portrait, the sports team photograph.
Because of the non-specific nature of the messages, I have elected to use the concept of the 'bill poster' as a means of expressing my observations. I see these peeling messages on construction site barriers, bus stands, trees. They represent to me a kind of soap box platform of the visual world; a communication of the to whom it may concern type.
Garry Nash, 1986 (from Maurine Littleton Gallery Exhibition catalogue)